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WolveSpirit discover a new aggregate state of the element titanium, which can be processed like plasticine.


The accompanying single Titanium from their coming album Bullshit provides revolutionary insights!
>> Attention: Album release date February 7 now! <<


Uh, excuse me? That sounds very suspiciously like an absolute bullshit report! That's right: it would be nice - but it's total bullshit. And why? Because Bullshit is not only the name, but also the concept of the new WolveSpirit album, which is available as of Feb 7th as CD, Black Vinyl, Splatter Vinyl and of course also digitally. The longplayer Bullshit is the most ambitious project in the band's history to date, which can already look back on joint tours with Uriah Heep and Spiritual Beggars, among others, and the successor to Change The World, which reached number 30 in the German album charts in 2022.

If you want to know the whole bullshit story of the Classic/Hard Rockers about the new single in full bloom, you can find it HERE. But now to the real facts:

The Bullshit album focuses our attention in various facets on a central theme: we have created a world full of illusions. Millions of people take refuge in digital parallel realities every day and pretend to be someone other than they really are. We are not only lying to others, but often also to ourselves, because the truth is often more painful for us than living in a self-made illusory world. The question therefore arises more and more often: What is 'the truth'? And how much of it do we even want?

The new single Titanium is the lighthouse within the songs on the new album. It is a symbol of strength and impregnability. It is the self-imposed protective armor when you have to somehow manage to stay upright in the midst of all the surrounding madness.

The 'bullshit' spread by WolveSpirit themselves is intended to be so obvious that we can sharpen our focus for less obvious bullshit and keep our bullshit detectors switched to reception. You could also say that WolveSpirit bullshit is genuine organic bullshit produced exclusively by happy bulls.

Link list to all versions of the new album: https://wolfhart.store/

Video link to the Titanium video:

Link to video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/D-aM_XKMr8Y

"I am Titanium – I will be unbreakable"

The Würzburg band describes the genesis of the new single Titanium: "Titanium was the first song written for this album. At its core, the track revolves around a powerful, driving guitar riff that dominates the verses. The song is about battles, blood and the fierce hand-to-hand combat in which enemies are struck down with unbridled fury. Our inner image of this is a battlefield in a fantasy world like the one Robert E. Howard created in his stories. An indomitable warrior, a character like Conan. He is Titanium!"

Don’t buy anymore Bullshit – buy Titans-Hit ™! Is it Bullshit? Bingo!