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Nord album stream: "Play Restart" free for everyone!


Hailing from Croatia, NORD always go where they are not expected.

Knowing no stylistic boundaries, the five-piece combo delivers beautiful music that will surprise many. With inspiration, originality and emotion as guiding principles, they have managed to merge their hopes and dreams into a haunting piece of art. The Croatians' musical variety was already proven by the tracks they released so far – "So Alive", "Shadows" and "Killling Me, Killing You".

Now the art/alternative rockers are streaming their debut album “Play Restart” in full on Soundcloud just before its release:

"Play Restart" will be officially released on April 21st via Geenger Records.

The tracklist reads as follows:

1. Lo-Hi
2. Running Man
3. Play Restart
4. Shadows
5. So Alive
6. Mexico
7. Killing Me, Killing You
8. Remake