N.M.A.: Underground meets Fairtrade
21.05.2019Album (out May 31) almost here!
The countdown is on heading towards the release date of N.M.A.'s debut album of the same name – literally live on the band's website. The Swiss Metal Trio's album pre-sale link can be found HERE. Faithful supporters and new fans can enjoy themselves to an album trailer online, which features music taken from the whole range of the songs :
The recently released single Whatever was a challenge issued to the mainstream. However, this no matter what you think attitude does not apply to all areas of the N.M.A. band concept. For example, in regards to band merchandise – this is an announcement to the many bands that produce cheaply and quickly according to the simplest principle. In contrast to those, the Swiss have dedicated themselves to the EarthPositive brand, which focuses on climate-friendly, environmentally friendly and, above all, ethical work and business practices. Singer Denise about what’s behind that:
“In our leisure time we’re not just drinking beer, we are also interested in what wise and smart people have to say. The Dalai Lama once said in an interview: ‘Our planet is our home, our only home. Where should we go when we destroy it?’ We know we can’t change the world, but little things can already make an impact. That’s why for our merchandise we chose fairtrade and climate-friendly produced organic cotton and refrain from using plastic packaging for our CDs, which can be purchased directly at the show. You gotta start somewhere.”
Sounds like an honorable attitude that’s worth supporting – and like a band that has all it takes to accomplish anything they intend to.
N.M.A. online: