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ART AGAINST AGONY signing with CMM/SAOL for next album – Our first art project that also features metal, says CMM


Independent metal prog 2.0

“Hooray, we’ve got ourselves a brainfuck!”, states the SAOL A&R Manager after the deal was concluded. But there’s more to it than meets the ear: ART AGAINST AGONY, who just finished work on their upcoming album Shiva Appreciation Society, are brilliant composers and instrumentalists who see the band as just one of many tools of expression in their creative garage. As an art group, their work ranges from experimental art exhibitions, performance art, photography, videographic art as can be seen in the “random-art-series” on Youtube, to masterful DIY projects that lead to gorgeous instruments. In short: ART AGAINST AGONY are builders, creators of their own art universe. Their albums, leaving the listeners highly satisfied, politely appreciative or outright flabbergasted, have been met with all sorts of media reactions, leading to the most brilliant approach of describing what the listener gets pulled into: “a journey from a metal concert to an absinth jazz-bar”. Shiva Appreciation Society is set for release on October 5th 2018, so stay tuned for more beautifully weird news from universe AAA!

To bridge the gap, here’s their album teaser trailer: